Local Trade Services: $26,000
in New Revenue
at 73% ROI Within 6 Months

Our client, a leader in electrical services within a local regional area, faced significant online visibility challenges. They aimed to not only improve their search engine rankings but also transform their website into a lead-generating powerhouse. Before partnering with Rankmax, their digital hurdles included low visibility in search results, a website that failed to generate leads, and the absence of a coherent SEO or content strategy.

Challenges at a glance:

  • Limited visibility in search engine results
  • Website underperformance in lead generation
  • Lack of an established SEO or content strategy

With Rankmax's AI-driven SEO solutions, the client was poised for a digital transformation. Our goal was clear: employ sophisticated AI technology to develop and implement a robust SEO and content strategy, dramatically improving their online presence and turning their website into a vital source of new business leads.

Results achieved within the first six months: 

  • $25,920 in additional revenue from organic search
  • 52 job booking leads from organic search
  • From 0 to 113 clicks from organic search per day 
  • From 43 to 4,785 impressions from organic search per day 
  • Increase of 7,330 clicks from organic search
  • Increase of 534k impressions from organic search
  • Increase of 3,735 new organic search rankings
  • Approx. 72 AI-content pages published at 3x new pages per week
The client's website grew from only 47 indexed keywords to 3,782 within six months, an increase of 7,947%.

Challenges Faced

Our client's journey to SEO excellence revealed three major hurdles. Each challenge pointed to a need for a strategic overhaul of their SEO marketing efforts.

1. SEO visibility

  • Issue: The client's website ranked poorly on search engine results pages (SERPs). Potential customers couldn't find them online for key search terms related to electrical services.
  • Impact: This lack of visibility led to low organic traffic, hindering their ability to attract new leads through their online platform.

2. Website lead generation

  • Issue: The website was not attracting the type of traffic that could convert into leads. It lacked engaging content and clear calls to action.
  • Impact: Visitors often left the site without taking any action, resulting in missed opportunities for business growth.

3. Absence of a content strategy

  • Issue: There was no coherent content strategy in place. The website content was minimal and did not meet the needs or interests of their target audience.
  • Impact: This failure to engage potential customers further contributed to the site's low SEO rankings and poor lead conversion volume.

Identifying these challenges was the first step towards transformation. Rankmax was ready to tackle these issues head-on, employing our AI-driven SEO strategies to not only address these problems but also to set new standards for the client's online presence.

Over the first six months, the client went from generating almost nothing to 52 new webform leads from organic search.

Rankmax's AI SEO Solution

To address the client's challenges, Rankmax deployed a comprehensive AI-driven SEO strategy. This strategy focused on enhancing website visibility, boosting lead generation, and developing a robust content strategy.

1. Improving SEO visibility

  • Approach: Rankmax conducted a detailed SEO audit. We identified key areas for improvement, including on-page SEO, technical SEO, and backlink strategy.
  • Action: We optimized the website's content and structure. This included keyword optimization, improving meta tags, and enhancing site speed.
  • Result: The website's rankings on search engine results pages improved significantly. This led to an increase of 7,330 clicks from organic sear

2. Enhancing website lead generation

  • Approach: We analyzed the website's user experience (UX) and conversion paths. The goal was to identify and remove barriers to conversion.
  • Action: Pages produced by Rankmax included clear calls to action (CTAs) and optimized forms for ease of use. We also implemented tailored call to actions on the blog posts to capture more leads.
  • Result: These changes resulted in a higher conversion volume. The website began to generate more leads, capturing 52 webform enquiries over six months that resulted in $26,000 in new revenue.

3. Developing a content strategy

  • Approach: Our team crafted a content strategy tailored to the client's target audience. This strategy focused on creating valuable and engaging content.
  • Action: We developed a content schedule that included blog posts, how-to guides, and landing pages. Each piece of content was optimized for search engines and designed to address the interests and needs of potential customers.
  • Result: The new content strategy increased user engagement and conversions on the website. It also contributed to 3,735 new organic search keyword rankings.

Through these targeted strategies, Rankmax was able to transform the client's digital presence. The combination of AI technology and SEO expertise led to measurable improvements in visibility, lead generation, and user engagement.

Our AI SEO content marketing campaign resulted in conversions across the entire customer journey.

Implementation Process

Rankmax's approach to transforming the client's online presence involved a step-by-step process, ensuring every action contributed to the ultimate goal of enhanced digital visibility and lead generation.

1. Initial audit and strategy formation

  • Action: We started with a comprehensive audit of the client's existing digital assets, including the website, content, and current SEO efforts.
  • Purpose: This audit identified the gaps in their SEO and content strategy, allowing us to develop a tailored action plan.

2. On-Page and technical SEO optimization

  • Action: Our team optimized the website's structure, improved metadata, and ensured mobile responsiveness. We also enhanced site speed and secured quality backlinks.
  • Purpose: These efforts aimed to boost the website's search engine ranking, making it more visible to potential customers.

3. Content strategy development and implementation

  • Action: Based on our tailored content strategy, we produced and published engaging, SEO-optimized content relevant to the target audience's interests and needs.
  • Purpose: This step aimed to attract and retain website visitors, turning them into leads and customers.

4. Continuous monitoring and improvement

  • Action: We set up tools to monitor the website's performance continuously, including traffic analytics, conversion rates, and keyword rankings.
  • Purpose: Ongoing analysis allowed us to tweak and refine our strategies, ensuring sustained improvement in website performance and lead generation.
On average, the client's leads required 4.6 website interactions before they converted. This emphasizes the importance of engaging content throughout the customer journey.

Results Achieved

After implementing Rankmax's AI-driven SEO and content strategies, the client experienced remarkable improvements in their digital presence and business outcomes. Here’s a breakdown of the results:

1. Enhanced search engine rankings

  • Before: The client's website struggled to appear in top search results.
  • After: With targeted SEO efforts, the website began ranking in over 260+ page one search results for relevant keywords, dramatically increasing visibility.

2. Increased organic traffic

  • Before: The site attracted minimal organic traffic, limiting lead generation opportunities.
  • After: Organic clicks to the website increased from 0 to 113 per day, opening up new avenues for customer engagement and lead acquisition.

3. Improved lead generation

  • Before: The website conversion rate was low, failing to capture potential leads effectively.
  • After: Post-optimization, the website captured 52 webform leads, which resulted in $26,000 in new revenue at a 73% ROI.

These results underscore the transformative impact of Rankmax's AI SEO strategies, not just in enhancing the digital footprint but also in driving tangible business growth. Through meticulous planning, execution, and continuous optimization, Rankmax helped the client achieve their SEO objectives, setting a new benchmark for success in their industry.

We achieved hundreds of of highly valuable and relevant page one rankings within six month.

Next steps

In wrapping up this case study, the journey of our client from facing digital obscurity to achieving remarkable online success illustrates the power of Rankmax's AI-driven SEO solutions. Through strategic planning, execution, and ongoing optimization, we have not only met but exceeded the client's expectations in enhancing their digital presence, increasing organic traffic, and improving lead generation.

Summary of achievements:

  • Enhanced SEO rankings: Our targeted strategies propelled the client's website to the top of search results with 3,735 new organic search rankings.
  • Boosted organic traffic: We achieved a significant increase in organic traffic from 0 to 113 daily clicks, connecting the client with a wider audience.
  • Improved lead generation: Our optimizations led to a notable uplift in lead generation, resulting in $26,000 in new revenue at a 73% ROI.
  • Elevated user engagement: Enhanced content and UX strategies resulted in better user engagement, deepening connections with potential customers.
We increased daily organic search clicks from 0 to 113 and impressions from 43 to 4,785.

Looking ahead

As we move forward, Rankmax remains committed to supporting the client's evolving digital marketing needs. Our focus will continue to be on leveraging the latest AI SEO innovations to drive further growth and increases in SEO ROI.

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Unleash the power of AI SEO with Rankmax. Achieve more organic search rankings, clicks and conversions faster.